An introductory way to try our fabulous HD make-ups. Warm#2(from the middle of our yellow undertone range), Cool#1(from the lightest of our pink undertone range) and Neutral#3(from the darkest of our neutral undertone range), and now also our Corrector Light Palette with matching Airbrush Shades.
This cross platform concept, first devised by Hollywood make-up artist Brad Look, allows the artist to use both our Graftobian HD Creme and our Graftobian HD GlamAire airbrush make-up in exactly the same shade on the same client if so desired.
Whether you’re an artist that loves cremes and wants to explore HD Airbrush, or you’re an expert at airbrush and wish to try our famous HD Cremes-either way, this little sampling scheme gives you an inexpensive way to give Graftobian a try.